Newtown Landscape Architects were appointed as the Master Landscape Architect and were also, separately, appointed for the hard and soft landscape design of the Rhodesfield and Marlboro stations.
Master Landscape Architects
As Master Landscape Architects we are to guide all landscape related work, including setting the standard for the landscaping and rehabilitation and advise on the minimum requirements, and specifications. We are to review and approve all the individual station designs of other packages which will form part of the Gautrain development. NLA also ensure that the agreed mitigation measure and “greening” of proposed development is adhered to by each of the 12 packages It is the intention of the Gautrain to incrementally augment the development of the station sites over the operator concession period. Developers and community initiatives should adhere to the controlled development of each station precinct.
This Rhodesfield is located in the Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality next to the Johannesburg International Airport. The neighboring residential area needs to be screened with trees and shrubs. The micro climate will be improved by intensive planting around the building. All planting species that have been proposed are indigenous and have been chosen for their drought tolerance and their frost resistance.
The Marlboro station is the first “level grade” station on the eastern alignment linking Sandton station to JIA station. Marlboro station consists of a landscaped area and a rehabilitated section north of the station around the storm water retention ponds. The Acacia tree concept has been highlighted throughout the architecture of the building and to provide large flat crown canopies - to form roof-like structures, providing shade and protection from the elements.